

Some of the best things Jesus ever said

27 November 2022

I am coming soon

Passage Revelation 22:7-21

Speaker Alan Jones

Series Some of the best things Jesus ever said

Service 10.30 morning service


Passage John 14:1-14

Speaker Roger Wiles

Series Some of the best things Jesus ever said

Service 10.30 morning service


13 November 2022

Peace be with you

Passage John 20:19-31

Speaker Paul Lewis

Series Some of the best things Jesus ever said

Service 10.30am Morning service

6 November 2022

It is finished!

Passage John 19:17-37

Speaker Roger Wiles

Series Some of the best things Jesus ever said

Service 10.30am Morning service


30 October 2022

I am the true vine

Passage John 15:1-17

Speaker Owen Leadbetter

Series Some of the best things Jesus ever said

Service 10.30am Morning service
