Prayer Diary/Contact Book

Questions and Answers

What is the Prayer Diary?

The Prayer Diary has two aims:

  • To provide contact information for those in the church family
  • To provide the basis for individual prayer for others in the church family and for those with various responsibilities at Holy Trinity

What contact information is available?

An entry could look like this.

Information is shown by family. If a couple are both members, then they will be shown as (eg) Tom & Natasha); if only one is a member, then the family could be shown as Natasha (& Tom). Any children (under 18) may be listed in brackets. Children aged 18  and above who are members and still living at home will be listed in a separate entry. 


Who does it include?

Contact details can be shown for anyone considered to be a member of Holy Trinity – which essentially means anyone who regularly attends our services. 

Do my details have to be included?

That is entirely up to you. If you are a regular, but would prefer not to be listed in the Prayer Diary, just let us now. If you use MyChurchSuite, then can you control this yourself. 

Who gets a copy of the Prayer Dairy?

The Prayer Diary is available only to Church Members. It is available both as a booklet, but can be requested in pdf format.

How can I check my details?

You can check your details in several  ways:

  • If you use MyChurchSuite, then you can view and update your details at any time.
  • Before we publish a new version of the Prayer Diary, we will ask for your continued consent to use your data, and will provide a link which enables you to check (and update if necessary) the details we hold for you. 
  • Prior to an update, we will also make available a printed copy of the contact details (as they will appear in the Prayer Diary) in the foyer.
  • Contact the Church Office.

Does all my contact information need to be included?

No – you can choose the level of detail that is displayed. Whilst we may have all your details on file, you can choose not to display your address, landline number, mobile number or email. Similarly, you can choose whether to show the name of a non-churchgoing partner, or the names of children. If you have MyChurchsuite, then you can control this yourself – otherwise just let the office know.

What contact information is available in MyChurchsuite?

MyChurchSuite contains an address book, which contains the same contact information as the Prayer Diary, but with the advantage that the details are right up-to-date.

MyChurchSuite is only available to church members; only those members who included in the prayer diary will be able to access the contact details of other members of the church family.