See amid the winter’s snow

See amid the win­ter’s snow,
Born for us on earth be­low,
See, the gen­tle Lamb ap­pears,
Promised from eter­nal years.

Hail thou ev­er bless­èd morn,
Hail re­demp­tion’s hap­py dawn,
Sing through all Je­ru­sa­lem:
Christ is born in Beth­le­hem.

Lo, with­in a man­ger lies
He who built the star­ry skies;
He who, throned in height sub­lime,
Sits amid the che­ru­bim.

Hail thou ev­er bless­èd morn,
Hail re­demp­tion’s hap­py dawn,
Sing through all Je­ru­sa­lem:
Christ is born in Beth­le­hem.

Holy Saviour, born on earth,
Teach us by your lowly birth;
Grant that we may ever be
Taught by such humility.

Hail thou ev­er bless­èd morn,
Hail re­demp­tion’s hap­py dawn,
Sing through all Je­ru­sa­lem:
Christ is born in Beth­le­hem.